Welcome to our blog!
By Juvenile Care, VIT
Juvenile Care VIT was founded approximately 10 years ago with one belief above all else, if you care about what you do then you can change the world. For our members and volunteers, it is both inevitable and imperative to develop the skills needed to engage, assess, and effectively help individuals and communities with whom we may have little in common. This process starts with empathy and care, and these values have been passed down from seniors to juniors ever since JC’s inception. With this philosophy at its core, Juvenile Care VIT has not only grown in size, but has also grown in scope over the last decade. With every passing year new events are organised, new benchmarks are set and our family keeps getting bigger.
“Love, Peace, Social work” is our motto which resonates through time and continues to motivate us to ensure that our help is extended to all those who may need it. Our flagship events include Juvenile Care Premier League, a platform for children to express themselves creatively and constructively through the medium of sports and Sparsh, our annual medical camp through which we provide free medical check-up and medicines to people of all ages.
In addition to this, under Project Each One Teach One, we conduct daily teaching sessions in Wheel’s Orphanage of Vellore with the aim to inspire curiosity and assert the importance of education in becoming self-sufficient. We also conduct monthly visits to the St. Jude’s Child Care Home in Vellore as part of our Project Aashayein and Holy Cross School of Hearing Impairment under Project Awaaz, where we spend time with these children, play games and teach art & craft to help them think about something other than their ongoing treatments.
Furthermore, at Juvenile Care VIT, not only do we like to help those around us, but strive to shed light on various issues that are plaguing the global society at large, subjects like child labour, stigma against women’s health, mental health and global warming among various others. We’ve been utilising various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to serve this purpose. However, we feel that it is time we shine a light on these issues not just on these platforms, but also by encouraging creative expression of our writers through this blog.
This blog would serve as a proficient medium to showcase our creative pursuits which will not only help develop originality of thought, but will also hope to serve as an inspiration for others to emulate. We strive to create a forum for fruitful discussions where people have the ability to express their opinions in a constructive manner. This blog will have multiple series which are designed to provide the reader choices with their reading.
We will currently be releasing a mental health series focused on encouraging people to talk about their problems while simultaneously attempting to erase the stigma surrounding it. Additionally, we also have a series of Alumni Testimonials in the works, which provides a unique insight into the world of Juvenile Care VIT and how it impacted the lives of those who built it. These are not the only series that we plan to release so stay tuned for more updates.
Besides making interesting reading, we hope this platform helps our readers gain insight on the wonderful and rewarding world of social work, and learn more about social issues that are prevalent in our society today.
Happy Reading!